Stay and Play

Snack time at Central Nursery School

Extended Day Options

The Extended Day options at Central Nursery School (CNS) are available for our students any day of the school week regardless of which days your child attends school.

Children must be toilet trained to attend lunch programs.
Children enrolled in 2-morning classes may attend lunch programs 2nd semester.
Lunch programs will be offered dependent upon demand.

Short Lunch

Short Lunch is offered every day, dependent upon demand. During Short Lunch, the students will have the opportunity to enhance their social skills with familiar friends and teachers while enjoying a packed lunch from home.

The daily cost for Short Lunch is $15.00, with a dismissal time of 12:45 p.m. Children must be toilet-trained to attend Short Lunch.

Afternoon Enrichment Club

Afternoon Enrichment Club (AEC) is offered every afternoon, dependent upon demand. Students will enjoy a packed lunch from home and then will, through activities that complement our CNS philosophy, have an opportunity to extend their experiences to explore art mediums, drama, science and many more! Children will also have time to practice and develop important social skills in a fun and safe environment with familiar friends and teachers.

The daily cost for AEC is $35.00, with a dismissal time of 2:45 pm. Children must be toilet-trained to attend AEC.

*These programs are available any day for CNS children regardless of which days your child attends school.

Short Lunch

Short Lunch is offered every day, dependent upon demand. During Short Lunch, the students will have the opportunity to enhance their social skills with familiar friends and teachers while enjoying a packed lunch from home.

The daily cost for Short Lunch is $15.00, with a dismissal time of 12:45 p.m. Children must be toilet-trained to attend Short Lunch.

Afternoon Enrichment Club

Afternoon Enrichment Club (AEC) is offered every afternoon dependent upon demand. Students will enjoy a packed lunch from home and then will, through activities that complement our CNS philosophy, have an opportunity to extend their experiences to explore art mediums, drama, science, and many more! Children will also have time to practice and develop important social skills in a fun and safe environment with familiar friends and teachers.

The daily cost for AEC is $30.00, with a dismissal time of 3:00 pm. Children must be toilet-trained to attend AEC.

Please call 610-688-8563 or email us at for more information.

Central Nursery School in Wayne, PA

central nursery school

111 W Wayne Ave

Wayne, PA 19087

phone: 610-688-8563


office hours

Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM